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One Day Tour to Parliament of Pakistan

Department of Political Science and International Relations has arranged a one day tour to Parliament of Pakistan at Islamabad. This activity has been conducted to enhance the capability of students of department of Political Science and International Relations for future research in politics and clear their confusion towards the policy making and working of Parliament. Students and faculty members were welcomed by the Director General (protocol) of senate who delivered a short lecture to the students about the working machinery of senate, which consists of governance of the Senate, (Chairman Senate, Finance Committee, Business Advisory Committee and Secretary Senate are collectively responsible for the Senate Administration). The work of the Senate (Senate being the second chamber of the Parliament. It is independent from and complements the work of the National Assembly, such as Legislation, Accountability, Representation of Federating Units). The Chairman (Understanding the role, history and current activities of the Chairman, Press Releases of the Chair, Rulings of the Chair and Picture Gallery of the Chair). The Members (Members of Senate are elected to represent, defend, and promote national interests). After attending the session the focal person from senate who was managing the tour arrange a tour of Senate Museum, Student has brought to the area of senate where a historical wall has been made by authorities with the long history of senate and working of senate, the era when senate was suspended shown by black color on the wall. Later on students visited the Museum of senate a documentary consist on 15 mins has shown to students for clarify their concepts, there were wax statues of politicians in museum and map of Pakistan with total area, languages, provinces and population has been written. It was very beneficial for students to visit such places where their study has been connected, as well as a pictorial form of anything grant you more reliable information rather than verbal data. After attending the Parliament of Pakistan, students also explored some places in Islamabad for recreation. Students of political science and international relations have shown great discipline throughout the tour and followed the rules and regulations given by the university and the respective department. The entire tour was led by the Head of the Department Dr. Tayba Anwar, along with Dr. Sidra Karamat, Maryam Ali, and Ayesha Ambar.